Digital Assets Primer: Only the first inning

Digital Assets Primer: Only the first inning

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Digital asset sector too large to ignore; not just bitcoin, so much more.

With a $2tn+ market value and 200mn+ users, the digital asset universe is too large to ignore. We believe crypto-based digital assets could form an entirely new asset class. Bitcoin is important with a market value of ~$900bn, but the digital asset ecosystem is so much more: tokens that act like operating systems, decentralized applications (DApps) without middlemen, stablecoins pegged to fiat currencies, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to replace national currencies, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) enabling connections between creators and fans. Venture Capital digital asset/blockchain investments were $17bn+ in 1H/2021, dwarfing last year’s $5.5bn. This creates a new generation of companies for digital assets trading, offerings and new applications across industries, including finance, supply chain, gaming and social media.

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